Torrance Girls Softball League (TGSL) is a nonprofit organization based out of Torrance, California that is incorporated and affiliated with USA Softball.
Torrance Girls Softball League
A link to our Board of Directors, meeting calendar, positions, and contact information.
A link to the list of the most frequently-asked questions regarding our league.
TGSL has a long and rich history of developing young players.
Notable former alumni who have previously played at TGSL
Home page for listing of game schedule for 2024 Spring season and listing of Spring Teams
A portal for parents who are looking for resources and information on helping their player/athlete build on their current skill sets. The portal includes contact information for our league's development instructors who are former college athletes and who offer individual instruction.
All helpful league documentation for parents and volunteers, including bylaws, rules, etc.
Additional Documents for Managers and Coaches
Additional Documents For Parents